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Dog jokes 🐶 in 2025

Why do dogs like conjunctions?
– They just love buts.

The dog was mad he threw the ball so far
– because it was pretty far-fetched.

The dog catcher liked to sing while he picked up strays
-“You ain’t nothing but a pound dog.”

Why do dogs make terrible dance partners?
-They’ve got two left feet!

It’s raining cats and dogs.
-That’s fine, as long as it doesn’t reindeer.

My friend said he once threw a stick two miles and his dog still brought it back…
-Seems a bit far-fetched to me!

What dog keeps the best time?
-A watch dog!

What breed of dog does Dracula have
– A Bloodhound

The dog is so cute and tiny,
– it Beagles my mind!

Why did the dog go to the club?
– To raise the woof! He wanted to paw-ty!

What’s a dog’s favorite activity to do in school?
– Lab reports!

My dog loves poetry
-Especially William Shakes-paw.

Why are dogs like phones?
-They both have collar IDs.

Where do dogs go after their tails fall off?
-The re-tail store.

What did the dog say when he went to the dentist?
– “I think one of my canines is getting loose!”

Why don’t dogs make good dancers?
-Because they have two left feet!

We’re eating dinner soon. Don’t fill up on homework.”
-Dog mom

The poor dog couldn’t find the rabbit.
-It was a bad hare day.

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