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Diaper jokes ๐Ÿ‘ถ in 2024

Why don’t diapers play cards? They’re afraid of the “deuces”!

Why don’t diapers work in offices? They can’t handle the pressure!

Why don’t diapers make good tour guides? They always take a dump!

Why don’t diapers make good comedians? Their jokes are always “poo-r”!

What do you call a diaper that can play the piano? “Poo-chopin”!

Why do diapers make lousy chefs? They can’t handle the “heat”!

Why was the diaper a good motivational speaker? It always knows how to “poo-sh” you!

Why do diapers never win races? They always come behind!

Why are diapers like phones? They always have a “ring” to them!

Why don’t diapers ever get lonely? Because they always hang around the bottom!

What’s a diaper’s favorite type of movie? “Butt-erfly” effect!

Why did the diaper go to the comedy club? It was tired of being the “butt” of all jokes!

Why are diapers like comedians? They’re always cracking up!

Why don’t diapers ever get mad? They always keep their cool, no matter what crap they take!

Why did the diaper get a promotion? Because it always gets the job done!

Why are diapers like cloud storage? They always keep a backup!

What did the diaper say to the trash can? “I think we’re related!”

Why don’t diapers make good students? They always drop their grades!

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