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Dermatology jokes in 2024

What’s a dermatologist’s favorite game? Hide and go seek, because they always find what’s hiding under the skin!

Why did the dermatologist go to the dairy farm? To research the benefits of milk for the skin!

Why did the dermatologist visit the fish market? To study the scales up close!

What’s a dermatologist’s favorite sport? Skiing, it’s all about the smooth glide!

Why did the mole go to the dermatologist? It felt a bit sketchy and wanted to get checked out!

Why are dermatologists good at solving mysteries? They never miss a spot!

Why did the dermatologist bring a microscope to the picnic? He wanted to take a closer look at the ants’ skin condition!

What did the dermatologist say to the facial brush? “You’re quite a scrubber!”

What’s a dermatologist’s favorite drink? Smoothies, they’re good for the skin!

Why did the dermatologist go to the forest? To study the bark for its skin benefits!

What do you call a dermatologist who can play the piano? A musical extraction!

What’s a dermatologist’s favorite fruit? Peaches, because they’re great for skin health!

Why did the dermatologist visit the fruit market? He wanted to examine the orange peel!

Why did the dermatologist visit the vineyard? To study the skin of grapes!

Why did the dermatologist become a politician? He wanted to clear up some issues!

What did the dermatologist say to the blackhead? “You’re about to face eviction!”

Why did the dermatologist visit the beach? He wanted to see if everyone was “sunscreening” properly!

Why did the dermatologist go to the zoo? To study the skin of exotic animals!

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