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Dentist Jokes 🦷 in 2025

Why didn’t the dentist ask his secretary out?
-He was already taking out a tooth.

A group of nagging dentists discovered a new chemical element.
-It’s called Flossphorus.

What did the Guelph dentist see at the North Pole?
-A molar bear.

Why did the king go to the dentist?
-To get his teeth crowned!.

What does a dentist call an astronaut’s cavity?
-A black hole..

Patient: Umm, why? It’s not hurt me this time.
-Dentist: Because there are tonnes of patients in the waiting room right now and I don’t want to miss the cup final at 3!

How many dentists does it take to change a lightbulb?.
– One to administer the anesthetic, one to extract the lightbulb, and one to offer the socket mouthwash.

What was the dentist doing in Panama?
-Looking for the Root Canal!

What do dentists call their x-rays?
– Tooth pics.

What’s a dentist’s favorite dinosaur?
-A Flossiraptor.

A man and a woman are traveling on a train.
Woman: Every time you smile, I feel like inviting you to my place.
-Man: Nice! Are you single?
Woman: No. I’m a dentist.

What does a dentist do on a roller coaster?
-He braces himself.

id you hear about the dentist who planted a garden?
– A month later he was picking his teeth.

How is going to the dentist like those movies where a character gets interrogated?
-It’s pretty clear when you’re lying — and if you don’t come clean, you might lose a toot

What rock group has four men that don’t sing?
-Mount Rushmore.

What does a dentist do on a roller coaster?
-He braces himself.

Who was the most dangerous job in Transylvania?
-Dracula’s dentist.

What did Ash Ketchum say to his tooth when he pulled it out?
– I Chews You!

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