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Deer jokes 🦌 in 2025

What’s a deer’s favorite game?
– Buckaroo!

What did the deer say after prancing around a cloning machine for an hour?
– “I feel like a million bucks!”

What did the deer say when he left the barbershop?
– “I feel like a million bucks!”

Everyone knows you can’t eat raw kooky doe.

What do you call Santa’s most impolite reindeer?
– Rude-olph.

Deer customer,
– You are a deer, get the hell out of here, you’re spreading your ticks everywhere, thank you.

Who did the deer invite to her birthday party?
– Her deerest friends.

What did the deer say after she did her friend a favor?
– “You doe me!”

What did the deer say after he finished eating?
– “That was deer-licious!”

Who puts money under the deer’s pillow?
– The hoof fairy.

How do you save a deer during hunting season?
– You hang on for deer life.

Yeah, the NRA sounds great, but personally, I prefer Deer Lovers Anonymous.
– You get more bang for your buck.

What is the name of Santa’s rudest deer?
– Rude-olph.

What do deer always use to clean their homes?
– Comet!

What did Homer Simpson say when he ran over a deer?
– “DOE!”

What would a reindeer do if it lost its tail?
– Go to a retail shop for a new one.

My father, the deer hunter, lo
– My father, the deer hunter, loved to travel. I still remember his advice. “Go to Venice, son.“

What should you give a deer when it gets stomachache?
– Elk-a-seltzer.

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