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December jokes 🎄🎅 in 2024

Why did the elf refuse to work on Christmas Day? He wanted to have elf-lessness.

Why did Frosty the Snowman refuse to wear a scarf in December? He said it was too tight around his neck.

What did Santa say when he tripped and fell in December? “I think I sleighed myself.”

What did the Christmas tree say to the star in December? “You light up my life!”

Why did the elf bring a calculator to work in December? He needed to crunch some numbers.

What did the snowman say to the snowwoman in December? “Do you want to go out for a frosty drink?”

What do you call a snowman with a sunburn in December? A winter lobster.

Why did Santa wear his belt backwards in December? He wanted to show off his North Pole.

Why did the snowman refuse to wear gloves in December? He preferred a hands-free approach.

Why did the elf quit his job in December? He was tired of working for Santa Claus-trophobia.

What did Santa say when he got stuck in the chimney in December? “I’m flue-ttering my eyelashes at you!”

Why did the elf refuse to work in December? He was on a toy-free diet.

Why did the Christmas tree go to the tailor in December? It needed a trim.

What did Santa say when he got stuck in the chimney in December? “Ho Ho Help!”

What did the Christmas tree say to the pine cone in December? “I’m pining for you.”

What did Santa say to his reindeer in December? “I’m counting on you to sleigh the holiday season!”

Why did the snowman wear a hat in December? To keep his head from melting.

Why did Santa go to therapy in December? He needed elf-care.

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