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Database jokes ๐Ÿ›ข๐Ÿ—ƒ๏ธ in 2024

Why did the database go to the gym? It needed to work on its joins!

How does a database handle a power outage? It always keeps a backup!

What’s a database’s favorite type of coffee? Java…script!

What’s a database’s favorite holiday? Independence Day, because it loves normalization!

Why are databases bad at making coffee? They always spill the beans!

What does a database add to its morning cereal? A sprinkle of bits and bytes!

What’s a database’s favorite game? Table tennis!

What’s a database’s favorite TV show? “The Big Data Theory”

How does a database keep its cool? With plenty of fans…and cooling systems!

How does a database solve problems? By running through its tables!

Why was the database a terrible gardener? It kept returning null for flowers!

Why was the database a terrible cook? It always over-indexed the food!

Why was the database a terrible roommate? It hogged all the storage!

Why are databases so smart? They always follow the best practices!

Why did the database go shopping? It needed to update its tablecloths!

Why are databases terrible at boxing? They always aim for the wrong keys!

How does a database show its age? By the number of records it holds!

How does a database cheer up its friends? By making them laugh with queries!

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