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Crow jokes in 2025

What kind of birds always stick together?
– Vel-Crows!!!!

What do you call a covid 19 virus that targets crows and ravens?
– Corvid-19.

What do crows take for their gut issues?
– They take crow-biotics.

After graduating from high school, crows go to caw-lleges for further studies.

What would a crow wear to the Halloween party?
– A crown!

A crow flies to a woman on the street
Crow: Miss, would you donate to my charity?

– Woman: Why should I?


– Woman: What does that even mean?

– Crow: Its four good caws

Crows make black babies. Doves make white babies. What makes no babies?
– Swallows.

Before they invented Crowbars, crows had to drink alone. 🙁

A flock of seagulls, a herd of sheep, a murder of crows…
– An Insurrection of Republicans

I used to own a raven. It could speak English
– , but the only word it could speak was “car”.

What’s an albino crow called?
– An albino crow is known as a caw-casian.

What do crows read?
– They read cawmics.

No matter what crows always stick together through a velcrow.

He is so stubborn at times, he just needs to crow up.

A group of crows drooling over a pastry is called a-tempted murder.

Almost Murderer
*In jail*

– Guy: “So what are you in for?”

– Me: *Thinking back on trying to collect and breed crows* “Attempted Murder.”

Which bird is the most contented?
– The crow, because he never complains without caws.

Why didn’t the Crow want to go outside?
– He didn’t want to catch Corvid-19!

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