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Crow jokes in 2024

Don’t give up at this stage, just keep cawing on, you will do great.

What do you call a group of crows eating a box of corn flakes?
– A cereal murder.

A crow got cut in half by a wind turbine.
– ow

Police have begun training Crows to search vehicles.
– It’s easier to search without a warrant because Police Crows always have Just Cawws.

What prompts most crows to commit homicide?
– Caws and effect

My roommate got in trouble with the police because he had two crows in our apartment as pets.
– The cops arrested him for attempted murder.

A woman bought a rooster, wanting to hear it crow.
– However, it turns out the rooster was mute, so she was out of cluck.

What do you call a room full of crows?
– Crowded.

What is the favorite bread of a crow?
– Crow-issant

You know a crow’s favorite pastry is a crow-nut.

If you eat a bat, you get COVID-19. If you eat a crow, you get

The gang of crows used a crowbar to break into the house.

Wanna know how I welcome birds to my home?
– Microwave.

The crows were calling his name…
– Thought Caw.

Why are flights with crows often delayed?
– Because they bring a lot of extra carrion luggage.

The ground staff stopped the raven from hopping on the plane, he had too much carrion.

Why was the crow on the telephone wire?
– To make a long-distance caw.

What are unsolved murders called when it happens in a society of crows?
– Murder mysteries.

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