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Cringe jokes 🙈 in 2025

Why are ghosts not so good at lying?
– Because the person they are lying to can see right through them.

Why did the nose complain about the finger?
– Because the finger was always picking on him.

What’s green and has wheels?
– Grass. I lied about the wheels.

What happened to the man who forgot to pay his electricity bills?
– He was Ohm-less.

Did you hear the rumor about butter?
– Never mind, I shouldn’t spread it.

Why should you not say an extremely funny joke to a glass?
– It might crack up.

What do you call a bull when they fall asleep?
– A bull-dozer.

Why did the pie go to the doctor?
– He was crumpy.

What candy does Instagram hate?
– Tiktok.

The blue whale is so big, that if you laid it end to end on a basketball court,
– The game would be canceled.

What did my friend do when he could not find his car key?
– He started talking to the lock because communication is the key.

Knock, Knock!

– Who is outside?

– Alice.

– Alice who?

– Alice well that ends well.

Did you hear about the circus fire?
– It was in tents.

What did the two tectonic plates say when they bumped into each other?
– “My Fault, sorry!”

What did the fish say when he swam into a wall?
– “Dam.”

What kind of tree can you hold in your hand?
– Palm tree.

Why are leopards not good at playing hide and seek?
– They are always spotted.

What did the zebra say the first time he saw a piano?
– “Dad?”

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