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Cringe jokes 🙈 in 2025

What did the lion say to the deer?
– “Pleased to eat you”.

Why is everyone friends with mushrooms?
– Because they are fungis.

What’s an astronaut’s favorite part of a computer?
– The space bar.

I just went to an emotional wedding.
– Even the cake was in tiers.

How can you see dreams more clearly?
– Sleep with your specs on.

Knock, Knock!

– Who is outside?

– Deja.

– Deja who?

– No, no, it’s Deja Vu.

What do astronomers do to plan a birthday party for their friend?
– They planet.

Why are colds not such good criminals?
– Because they are very easily caught.

How do cows spend their free time?
– In moovies.

How does it feel to drink the same coffee every day?
– Déjà Brew.

What do you call a crab that plays baseball?
– A pinch hitter.

Why do players never feel hot while playing in a stadium?
– Because they have a lot of fans.

What are asteroids?
– They are rocks that went to the gym.

What happened to my friend David who lost his ID?
– He became Dav.

What did the wolf say when the mice bit him?
– Owwwww-ch.

Why can’t dinosaurs play basketball?
– Because they are dead.

Why was the coffee scared?
– He recently got mugged.

Knock, Knock!

– Who is knocking?

– Eat.

– Eat who?

– Eat all of your fruits.

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