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Cringe jokes 🙈 in 2025

When’s the best time to go to the dentist?
– Tooth-hurtie.

Which is the strongest day?
– Saturday and Sundays because the others are weekdays.

What is a ninja’s favorite type of shoe?
– Sneakers.

What do you call a mountain that is funny?
– Hill-arious.

How do you make a tissue dance?
– Put a little boogey in it.

Knock, Knock!

– Who’s out there?

– Annie.

– Annie who?

– Annie thing that you say or do will be used against you.

Knock, Knock!

– Who is outside?

– Me.

– Me who?

– Meow.

Which animal plays sports all the time?
– A bat.

What’s the best thing to eat vegetables with?
– Your teeth.

Why is the keyboard always tired?
– Because it has two shifts.

How do you make an egg roll?
– Push it.

What do you call a person with a briefcase in a tree?
– Branch manager.

Knock, Knock!

– Who knocks?

– Candy.

– Candies who?

– Candies knock knock jokes be any sweeter?

I hate Russian dolls.
– They’re so full of themselves.

What is Forrest Gump’s computer password?
– 1forrest1.

How do ghosts address a letter?
– Tomb it may concern.

Why do chicken coops have two doors?
– Because if they had four doors, they’d be chicken sedans.

What is the best way to crack open a walnut?
– Tell it all the best jokes.

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