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Cowboy jokes 🤠 in 2025

How did the cowboy ride into town on Friday & ride away only three days later on Friday?
– His horse’s name was Friday!

Why do Canadian cowboys have sticky feet?
– Maple stirrups.

What is the best way to describe a kid who dresses up like a cowboy?
– You definitely call it Ranch dressing!

What do cowboys do to calm down while looking over their cattle?
– They listen to some country moosic!

What did the Cowboy say when his dog left?
– Well Dog Gone!

What do you call a takeout low-calorie meal for a cowboy?
– A saddle light dish.

What do the Cowboys and the post office have in common?
– Neither deliver on Sundays.

For their lunch and dinner, where does a cowboy cook the dishes?
– He usually cooks them on the range!

What does it mean when a cowboy finds a horseshoe?
– His horse is walking around in his socks!

Why don’t cowboys shoo the flies buzzing around them?
– It’s easier to let them go bare foot.

Why did the cowboy pinstripe his truck?
– He needed a pick up line.

Knock, knock!

– Who’s there?

– Heywood.

– Heywood who?

– Heywood you please hand me that lasso!

What special characteristic did the artist cowboy have in his forte?
– He was excellent at drawing!

Which is a cowboy’s favourite soccer team?
– Spurs!

Who wrote the book “Talk Like a Cowboy?”
– Hal D. Yall.

Two cowboys are lost in a desert. One cowboy sees a tree full of bacon and shouts, “It’s a bacon tree; we’re saved!”
– He runs toward the tree and gets shot.
– It wasn’t a bacon tree. It was a hambush.

In modern times, how does a millennial cowboy speak?
– He simply says, “Yeet Haw”!

Where do the cowboys usually feed all their hard of cattle?
– They usually feed their cattle at the calf-eteria!

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