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Cowboy jokes 🤠 in 2025

Two cowboys are lost in a desert. One cowboy sees a tree full of bacon and shouts, “It’s a bacon tree; we’re saved!”
– He runs toward the tree and gets shot.
– It wasn’t a bacon tree. It was a hambush.

In modern times, how does a millennial cowboy speak?
– He simply says, “Yeet Haw”!

Where do the cowboys usually feed all their hard of cattle?
– They usually feed their cattle at the calf-eteria!

Why did the cowboy adopt a dachshund?
– He wanted to get a long little doggy.

Why do cowboys always ride horses?
– Because they’re far too heavy to carry!

What do you call a bunch of millionaires sitting around watching the Super Bowl on TV?
– The Dallas Cowboys.

What is the perfect way to call a cowboy who is always without money despite being a film actor?
– You call him always broke Skint Eastwood!

Which kind of dinosaur can be found at a rodeo?
– A bronco-saurus!

Why did the cowboy make a bed out of straw?
– To feed his night mares.

If a cowboy rides into town on Friday and three days later, leaves on Friday, how does he do it?
– The horse’s name is Friday!

How did the cowboy react when he bought a new yo-yo?
– He simply said, “Well, this ain’t my first yo-yo”.

Why all of a sudden, did the cowboy start making a bed made only out of straw?
– Because he wanted to feed the night mares!

What do you call a cowboy who teaches acting and singing?
– A stage coach!

What did the cowboys think about the campfire?
– They gave it GLOWING reviews.

A cowboy is riding on his horse in a desert. Suddenly, he sees a man lying down with his ear to the ground.
– The man: “A carriage. Six horses. Three black, two brown, and one white.”
– The cowboy: “Wow! You can hear all of that?!”
– The man: “No, they just ran me over.”

What is the favorite type of car for all the cowboys?
– It most definitely is an Audi, partner!

Why did the cowboy ride on his horse?
– Because he was too heavy to carry!

Why do Cowboys ride their horses?
– They are way too heavy to carry!

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