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Cowboy jokes 🤠 in 2025

Why do Canadian cowboys have sticky feet?
– Maple stirrups.

Why are a significant majority of cowboys all avid gamblers?
– Because they always like raising the steaks!

Why are cowboys always funny and smiling?
– Because they get many laughs by simply horsing around!

Did you know the term “Cowboy” means a man or a woman?
– For real – No Joke!

How do you warm up a frozen cowboy?
– Yee thaw!

What do the Dallas Cowboys and a Chick-Fil-A manager have in common?
– Neither one shows up for work on Sunday.

Why did the cowboy kill an artist when he went to the new west town?
– He simply thought that the artist was going to draw!

What do you call a dinosaur in a cowboy hat?
– T-Tex

What’s it called when cowboys eat beans at high noon?
– A toot-out at the O.K. Corral.

What did the catholic cowboy do when he met the father of the church on his confession visit?
– He greeted him by saying, “Howdy Pardoner!”

What can be the best way to refer to a cowboy who teaches acting?
– It is best to refer to him as a stagecoach!

How did the cowboy set fire to his chaps?
– He was riding on the range!

How did the cowboy ride into town on Friday & ride away only three days later on Friday?
– His horse’s name was Friday!

Why do Canadian cowboys have sticky feet?
– Maple stirrups.

What is the best way to describe a kid who dresses up like a cowboy?
– You definitely call it Ranch dressing!

What do cowboys do to calm down while looking over their cattle?
– They listen to some country moosic!

What did the Cowboy say when his dog left?
– Well Dog Gone!

What do you call a takeout low-calorie meal for a cowboy?
– A saddle light dish.

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