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Cowboy jokes 🤠 in 2025

Why are cowboy hats curled up on the side?
– So they can fit three in the pickup.

Why was the cowboy sad?
– He couldn’t giddy-up.

While meeting others, how does a German cowboy greet them?
– He greets them by saying, Audi!

How did the cowboy know his cattle were following him without even looking?
– He herd them!

What did the Cowboy say to the pencil?
– Draw! Partner!

What do cowboys tell their cows after an argument?
– “Turn the udder cheek and moooove on!”

What is the difference between a Cowboys fan and a baby?
– The baby will stop whining after a while.

What would you call a cowboy who has just retired?
– You say that he has been de-ranged!

What do cowboys put on their salads?
– Ranch dressing!

Knock Knock
– Who’s there?
– Handsome.
– Handsome who?
– Handsome chili to me.

What is it called when a cowboy dies and comes back to life?
– Reintarnation.

What will you get if you ever cross a cowboy with an Egyptian Pharaoh?
– You will get Darn Tutankhamun!

Which cowboy Hollywood actor celebrity is known to light campfires very easily?
– It most definitely has to be Flint Eastwood!

The cowboy still has nightmares about the worst job he ever had in a record factory making country music records: Howdy pressing!

Cowboys don’t roll…
– They tumble.

Why are cowboys incapable of getting down from their horses?
– Because they can only get down from a goose!

A cowboy asked me if I could help him round up 18 cows.
– I said, “Sure, that’s 20 cows.”

If ever there was a fight, who would a zombie cowboy fight with?
– It would most definitely fight with the deadskins!

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