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Cowboy jokes 🤠 in 2025

What do cowboys put on their pancakes?
– Log Cabin syrup

What do you call a cowboy who works in finance?
– The loan arranger.

What do you say when you see a cowboy who has placed his foot across the border of Canada?
– You say his leg is in Canada, just aboot!

Why do cowboys always ride horses?
– Because they’re far too heavy to carry!

What did the cowboy say to his friend when his beloved dog left him?
– The first cowboy said, “It’s very unfortunate partner, but my doggone”.

What do you call a dinosaur wearing a cowboy hat and boots?
– Tyrannosaurus Tex!

What’s the first cowboy rule of filling up a canteen?
– Always go upstream from the herd.

Three cowboys are riding in a truck, all dressed head-to-toe identically. Who is the smartest?
– The one in the middle because he doesn’t have to drive or open the gate.

Why did the police arrest the cowboy for rustling?
– The police arrested him because the cowboy secretly took the cattle of his neighbors!

How did a cowboy get to know whether his cattle are properly following him or not without turning his head back?
– It is simple as he always herd them behind him!

Which Hollywood cowboy is always broke?
– Skint Eastwood!

Which side of a cowboy has scruffy hair?
– The outside.

I’m making a new cowboy film called The Sun.
– It’s set in the west!

A cowboy rides into town wearing a paper suit and paper hat.
– He wasn’t in town five minutes before he was arrested for rustling.

What did the cowboy say when his wife threatened to leave him?
– He said, “It’s just like Sparks says, ‘This town ain’t big enough for both of us'”.

What do cowboys tell their cows after an argument?
– Turn the udder cheek and moooove on!

How did the cowboy become so rich?
– His horse gave him a couple of bucks every day.

How do space cowboys wrangle their cattle?
– A tractor beam.

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