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Cow jokes 🐄 in 2025

I have a decent joke about a cow, but it’s pretty offensive, so I’ll probably need to take it down

What do you get when a cow jumps on a trampoline?

Why did the astronauts take a box of cereal and a cow with them?
– In case they bypassed the milky way!

You know what they say about cows…
– …they’re outstanding in their field.

What would you hear at a cow concert?

Why did the cow cross the road?
-To get to the udder side!

What does the farmer say to the cows at night?
– It’s pasture bedtime.

What do you get when you cross a cow and a dog?
– Hound beef.

What do you call a cow that’s laying down?
-Ground beef.

What are cow knees called?
– Burger joints.

What do you call it when one cow spies on another cow?
– A steak out.

What do you call a cow with a twitch?
– Beef jerky.

Where did the bull lose all his money?
– At the cow-sino!

What do you call a fight between two herds of cows?
– A cattle battle.

Why do cows wear bells?
– Their horns don’t work.

Which cow is the best dancer?
-The one with the best moooves!

What do you get when you cross an angry sheep and a moody cow?
-A baaaaaaad mooooood.

Why don’t bulls play archery?
– They might hit a bulls-eye.

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