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Cow jokes 🐄 in 2025

How does a cow become invisible?
-How does a cow become invisible?

What do you call a sleeping cow?
– A bull dozer.

What did the bull say to his son when he was going off to school?
– Bonnie and Clydesdale.

I saw a cow spontaneously catch on fire the other day
-Guess you could call it a rare experience.

What do you call two ducks and a cow?
-Quackers and milk.

What do you call a feminine cow?
– A dairy queen.

What did the coach say to the cows?
– “Now get out there and give me 2%!”

What do you call cattle that tell jokes?
– Laughing stock.

What do you call an evil baby cow?
– A veal-lin.

What do you call a cow in your backyard?
-A lawn-mower.

What do you get from a pampered cow?
– Spoiled milk.

Which horse can jump higher than a house?
– All of them – houses can’t jump at all.

Just saw a guy punch a cow in the face
– How dairy.

What happens when a cow laughs?
-Milk comes out of its nose.

Why does a milking stool only have three legs?
-Because the cow has the udder.

Why can’t cows wear shoes?
-Because they lactose.

What sound do you hear when a cow breaks the sound barrier?

What is a baby cow’s favorite song?
-The veals on the bus go round and round.

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