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Cooking jokes 🍳👩‍🍳 in 2025

While cooking, I got ketchup in my eye, but I didn’t wash it
– because Heinzsight is 20/20!

What is a nice guys’ favorite cooking utensil?
*tips fedora*
Just kidding, it’s his mom. He doesn’t cook.

An old man is at home on his death bed
– When suddenly he smells something amazing. It’s the smell of his favorite chocolate chip cookies. And with his last strength, he gets out of bed, and he goes to the kitchen, where his wife of 50 years, is cooking these beautiful chocolate chip cookies. And they are on a plate of four of them, just out of the oven. And with his last human strength, he reaches over to take one of the cookies, and his wife sees him, she rushes over, she slaps his hand, and she says, “No, they are for the funeral.”

Why did the chef start cutting herbs when he got bored during his job?
– He began to waste thyme!

Rick went to a Chinese restaurant to have a beverage. He asked the waiter for more tea!

There was a disagreement with my wife. She claimed that cooking eggs are hard, but I want them over easy!

There were two chefs who always worked in the kitchen. They were taste buds!

A religious chef is a man of the broth!

What did one fruit say to the meat during a fight in the kitchen while cooking?
– I guava bone to pick with you!

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