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Cookie Jokes 🍪 in 2025

A CEO, a laborer, and an immigrant are at a table
– the table has 20 cookies. The CEO takes 19 cookies and says to the laborer, “look out, that immigrant is trying to take your cookie!”

What do you call a cookie that draws funny pictures?
– A Snickerdoodle!

What kind of keys does the Gingerbread Man carry?
– Cook-keys!

What is a monster’s favorite food?
– Ghoul Scout cookies.

Have you tried the new Wookiee cookie?

– It’s a bit chewy.

My wife says she wanted a BBC for our anniversary….
– But she looked so disappointed when I handed her a Big Box of Cookies

A businessman, an immigrant, and a White American worker are sitting at a table with 100 cookies
– The business man eats 99 of the cookies and then slides the last one across the table towards the immigrant. Then he looks at the white American and says, “that immigrant is going to eat your cookie!”

Why do girls scouts sell cookies?
– They want to make a sweet first impression.

You’re the milk to my cookie.

What’s a fungus’ favorite cookie?

Went on a site claiming to offer the best diet programme…
– The first thing it asked me is if I accept cookies!

– My tinder profile always has an unlit cigaret in it since i’m always searching for matches.

I did it all for the cookie!

Where do witches bake their cookies?

– In a coven.

These cookies are amazing!
– Thanks, it’s a secret family recipe.
– You have a secret family?
– Please don’t tell my wife…

My fortune cookie read “You will touch the hearts of many.”
– Jokes on them. I’m a heart surgeon.

What did the baker say when he forgot the cookie sheets?
– Ooh, snickerdoodles.

What type of cookies do redheads like best?
– Ginger snaps.

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