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Cookie Jokes 🍪 in 2025

Why do basketball players love cookies?
– Because they can dunk them!

Why did the chocolate chip cookie drop all his chips?
– Because that’s the way the cookie fumbles!

Have you tried the new Wookiee cookie?
– It’s a bit chewy.

My computer became self aware and asked for a snack.

– I replied, “Sorry I’m fresh out of computer chips.”

– Now it’s asking me for a byte of cookies.

All these websites asking me to accept these cookies…
– But I still haven’t gotten even one of them!

This site uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on the site. By continuing to use the site, you agree to accept these cookies.
– I genuinely just copied and pasted this off the weight watchers website

I found an easy cookie recipe that said to put all the ingredients in one bowl and beat it.
– I’m not sure what good it did though, when I came back nothing had changed.

What do you call it when two cookies from the same sheet fall in love?
– A batch made in heaven.

Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
– Because he was feeling crumby.

I once opened a fortune cookie with nothing inside of it
– It was unfortunate…

Cookie monster was happy lighting Elmo’s girlfriends cake
– Until he noticed there was only 3 candles

Why did the cookie cry?
– Because his mother was a wafer so long.

What do the cookie and the computer have in common?
– They both have chips.

Why did the Oreo cookie go to the dentist?

– Because he lost his filling.

Do you know why the cookie went to the doctor? BECAUSE HE FELT CRUMMY! AH-HAHAHA! Do you know why the cookie went back to the doctor?
– Cancer. Stage 4 cancer.

What does the gingerbread man sleep on?
– Cookie sheets.

What does Cookie Monster’s parrot say when he wants a snack?
– “Polly wanna cookie!”

Me: “Three scoops of Cookie Dough in a tub, please.”
– Vendor: “You want to spoon?”
– Me: “OK, what time do you get off?”

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