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Cookie Jokes 🍪 in 2025

Raisin Cookies That Look Like Chocolate Chip Cookies
– Are The Reason I Have Trust Issues !

My fortune cookie said my dreams would become reality
– Great…

– So, I’ll be in my underwear at school, late for a class I can’t find, and my teeth will fall out.

– Thanks, fortune cookie.

What do you call a metric cookie?
– A gram cracker.

What do you call a passed out cookie?
– Limp Biskit.

What do you do when your DNA cookie is undercooked?
– You make it CRISPR.

Two cookies in an oven.
– One cookie turns to the other cookie and says, “It’s really hot in here.”

Why did the baker get homesick?
– He tossed his cookies.

What do you get when you cross a cookie and a hammer?

– Cookie crumbs.

What do you call a redhead freaking out at a cookie store?
– A Ginger Snap

Gilligan eats the last package of cookies on the island.
– Ginger snaps.

I still remember my first fortune cookie…
– …and how much it tasted like paper.

Why did the thief rob the Keebler elves?
– Because they had a lot of dough.

You and me are the perfect batch.

US websites use cookies to track you
– British websites use biscuits

– >!French websites use croissants!<

Website: We use cookies to improve performance.
– Me: Same

Why do basketball players love cookies?
– Because they can dunk them.

What is Homer Simpson’s favorite ice cream?
– Cookie d’oh.

I just ate 12 cookies.

– Now I feel a bit crumby!

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