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Confucius jokes in 2025

woman who sink in man’s arms, soon have arms in man’s sink

Squirrel who runs up woman’s leg not find nuts

Man who get kicked in testicles, left holding the bag

With great power comes great electricity bill.

Man who walk with nose in air very easy to hook.

Don’t drink and park, accidents cause people.

Do not drink and park, accidents cause people

cow with no legs, ground beef

men may have more hair on chest than woman, but on the whole, women have more

He who stick head in open window get pane in neck.

Man who abuse his computer get bad bytes!

War not determine who right. War determine who left

Man who fart in church, sit in own pew

man who put cream in tart, not always baker

man who fuck in cemetery may end up fucking dead

State of pregnancy exist when woman takes seriously something poked in fun.

Man who run before bus get tired

man who kisses girl’s behind, get crack in face

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