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Coffee jokes ☕ in 2025

Drinking coffee may reduce the chances of getting Alzheimer’s.
-Never heard that one before

What do you call a baby calf that’s lost his head?
– De-calf

What did the coffee addict say to his doctor?
– I don’t have a problem with coffee. I have a problem without it!

I want to create a petition to switch the names of Mango and Coffee.
-Because Coffee makes Man go

Why do skeletons never drink coffee?
-Because it goes right through them!

How are coffee beans like kids?
-They’re always getting grounded!

How is it a sin for a woman to make coffee?
-The Bible clearly says “He-brews”

When my 5 year old son asked me what coffee tastes like; I said
-Unfortunately, not as good as it smells.” And he said, “Oh. Like shampoo.”

What does coffee share in common with Ginger Baker (drummer)?
– They both suck without CREAM

What do you call Java that won’t stop brewing?
– Stand your ground coffee.

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