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Coffee jokes ☕ in 2024

What happened when a faucet, a tomato, and some lettuce ran a race together?
-The lettuce was ahead, the faucet was running, and the tomato was trying to ketchup.

Soup of the day:
– Coffee.

I was lonely until I glued a coffee cup on top of my car.
-Now everyone waves at me

What do you call a snail aboard a ship?
-A snailor.

Why shouldn’t you discuss coffee in polite company?
– It can make for a strong and heated debate.

Two days ago I was trying to make a coffee in the morning but had no water. Instead of water I used RedBull to make my coffee…
-long story short, when I got to work realized I forgot my car

‘Ever notice that when you serve someone a cold cup of coffee,
– it makes them boiling mad?

Why do they call coffee mud?
-Because it was ground a couple of minutes ago.

What do you call a duck that loves fireworks?
-A fire-quacker.

I like my death metal like I like my coffee.
-Dark and with lots of Meshuggah.

Why do Dasher and Dancer love coffee?
-Because they’re Santa’s star bucks!

What’s the opposite of coffee?

Bad news: I spilled coffee on my keyboard.
– Good news: It’s all under control

Searching for coffee?
-Just look down. Chances are it’ll be ground.

New word: Procaffeinating (n).
– the tendency to not start anything until you’ve had your coffee.

An ISS astronaut says to his colleague, “I can’t find any milk for my coffee.”
– His friend replies, “In space no one can. Here, use cream.”

I like my coffee like how I like my slaves

How are coffee beans like kids?
-They’re always getting grounded!

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