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Clown Jokes 🤡 in 2025

A guy walks into a bar and orders a beer.
– But have you heard about his father who was Joking.

Last night my wife asked me if I wanted to dress up as a clown, hide in the drains and scare her
-but I didn’t really feel like It.

A man goes to the doctor because he has a clown growing off his neck.
– The doctor tells him, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing serious.”

Most cutting thing you can say is “Who’s this clown?”
-because it implies they’re:
a) a clown and
b) not even one of the better-known clowns.

How do you get a clown off a swing set?
-Hit him in the face with an axe.

My uncle opened a clown themed restaurant.
-It didn’t do very well though, customers kept saying the food tasted funny.

What do you call a drawing of a clown?
-A comedy sketch.

How do clowns measure their money?

How do you get a clown to stop smiling
-You shoot him in the face

What’s pink and stuck between an elephant’s toes?
-Slow Clowns.

why dont cannibals eat clowns?
– They taste funny.

A clown who’s job is going to parties and make all kind of balloons..
-Is that considered a blow-job?

Thousands of clowns were killed today in the worst seismic event of the past 100 years.
-Scientists are calling it the mirthquake of the century.

The IT department at my work is full of clowns.
-Bloody dancing clowns.

Yesterday as I walked into a store, a clown held the door open for me…
-I thought it was a nice jester.

I asked a hitman for advice on how to kill a clown. He told me…
– Go for the juggler.

What is the similarity between an anti joke and a clown?
-Neither are funny.

I read that the three most popular Halloween costumes this year are clown, pumpkin, and dinosaur.
-I’m capitalizing on this trend by selling costumes of Trump.

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