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Clown Jokes 🤡 in 2025

A clown presents the new covid regulations.
-Everyone dies laughing.

My neighbour is a clown for childrens parties. Evertime I turn my back to get ready for bed, he sneaks into my house in full costume and starts banging my wife. I can see them, in the mirror, going at it while I’m brushing my teeth.
-They keep on telling me that I’ll look back and laugh at it one day.

What do you call a clown who never sits down?
– A stand-up comedian.

I was trying to figure out what to do with the dying clown on the floor.
-Then, IT hit me.

The best insult ever is, “who is this clown?”, because…
-#1- You are calling them a clown
#2- You are saying they are not even a well known clown

What’s left of a clown after a bear attack?
-Just his funny bone.

What do you get when you boil a clown?
-Laughing stock

How do you make a Clown cry
-You throw a brick at it

If i send a clown to deliver flowers to my wife…
-…is that a romantic jester

Did you hear about the guy who got an ear transplant from a clown?
-He had a happy new ear.

If you are ever attacked by a group of clowns…
-Go for the juggler.

What do you call a demon clown that is good with small amounts of money?

Lots of people don’t like my clown baton.
-But I think it’s my jest stick.

I don’t like that clown from IT.
-He’s always fooling around and cracking jokes instead of fixing our computers.

Why did the clown through his clock out the window.
-Because he wanted to see time fly.

Clowns can no longer afford their ballons…
-Because of inflation.

What do clowns fill their cars with?
– Laughing gas!

A blind clown is asked to perform at a children’s hospital. He is led into the amputee ward and begins with some jokes, but not one child laughs.
-“A song, perhaps,” he thinks. “That’ll cheer ‘em up!”
“Ifffffff you’re happy and you know it….”

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