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Clown Jokes 🤡 in 2025

A skeleton walks into a bar and orders a beer and a mop
-Not a lot of people that I know of gets this joke, can you?

What did sideshow Bob work as after he got fired from being a clown?
-A bartender

I ate a clown fish yesterday.
– It tasted funny.

Been think of opening a clown brothel,
– As a Dad of long standing, I’m happy to have seized the opportunity to yell “Don’t try anything funny!”

why dont cannibals eat clowns
-because they taste funny

I painted half of my face like a clown today and went for a drive.
-I’m not sure everyone saw the funny side.

My father was the best clown of all time.
– When he died, all his friends came to his funeral in one car.

I got a handjob by a Clown once.
-It really tickled my funnybone

I’m starting a clown shoe business.
-It’s no small feat.

My father who comes from a long line of clowns just retired and wants me to continue the family legacy.
-I’ve got some big shoes to fill

What is the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts?
– Well beer nuts are 49 cents but deer nuts are just under a buck.

How big is a clown’s hard drive?
-50 Gigglebytes.

My friend asked me, “What kind of adult diapers do they sell for Pennywise the Clown?”
– It depends.

Why was the clown sad
-He broke his funny bone. Ps: funny bone is not actually a bone

Two cannibals captured and killed a clown.
-They decided to make a laughing stock out of him.

A little boy and a clown are walking through the woods at 3 am…
-The little boy says, “Golly! It sure is dark and scary out here!”
“You think you’re scared,” says the clown. “I’m the one who has to walk home all alone…”

For my girlfriend’s birthday I got her a dwarfish clown who told jokes…
-It wasn’t a great gift, but she appreciated the jester.

If you ever find yourself being attacked by a gang of clowns…
– You should go straight for the juggler.

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