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Clock jokes 🕓 in 2024

What do you call a clock with a cold? A “tick-choo” clock.

What do you call a clock that’s always on the phone? A “tick-talk” clock.

Why did the clock go on a diet? It wanted to lose some “second” pounds.

How do you make a clock feel patriotic? You give it a “star-spangled” face.

Why did the clock go to the principal’s office? It had too many ticks.

How do you make a clock feel loved? You give it a “tick-hug.”

Why did the clock become a detective? It wanted to “clock” some clues.

Why did the clock go to the gym? It wanted to work on its “time”ing.

Why did the clock go to the mechanic? It needed a “tune-up.”

How do you make a clock smarter? You give it some “time” to think.

What do you call a clock that’s always afraid? A “tick-toc-toc-phobic.”

What time is it when an elephant sits on your clock? Time to get a new clock.

What do you call a clock that’s always in a hurry? A “tick-toc-tic-toc-tic-toc.”

How do you make a clock feel luxurious? You give it a “gold-plated” face.

What do you call a clock that’s also a bird? A cuckoo clock.

How do you make a clock feel fancy? You give it a “diamond” face.

What do you call a clock that’s always happy? A “tickled-pink” clock.

Why did the clock go to the ocean? It wanted to hear the “wave-lengths” of time.

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