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Clean jokes in 2025

What did Mr. and Mrs. Hamburger name their daughter?

Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers?
-He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.

That’s just how I roll.
-An egg wash!

How do you look for Will Smith in the snow?
-Just follow the fresh prints.

What did the traffic light say to the cars?
-Don’t look, I’m changing!

What do you call a cheese that’s not yours?
-Nacho cheese!

I went in to a pet shop. I said, “Can I buy a goldfish?” The guy said, “Do you want an aquarium?”
-I said, “I don’t care what star sign it is.”

I waited all night to see where the sun would rise…
-…And then it dawned on me.

I saw a wino eating grapes.
-I told him, you gotta wait.

What did the shark say when he ate the clownfish?
-This tastes a little funny.

I can’t take my dog to the park because the ducks keep trying to bite him.
-I guess that’s what I get for buying a pure bread dog.

What is the resemblance between a green apple and a red apple?
-They’re both red except for the green one.

How do you clean a chicken?
– An egg wash!

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