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Chocolate jokes ๐Ÿซ in 2025

Why did the chocolate ice cream go to jail?
– He was confected of causing cavities!

What’s the difference between a kinder surprise and Michael jackson.
– One is a choking hazard for children and the other is a chocolate covered candy

What is an astronautโ€™s favorite chocolate?
– A Mars bar.

Chocolate coins are mint to be eaten.

Which candy bars are out of this world?
– Milky Ways and Mars Bars!

Whatโ€™s the difference between a man dressed in robes and a king enrobed in chocolate?
– Cocoa nib-ility!

There was a new machine at the gym…
– After using it for 30 minutes, I felt sick. Maybe I bought too many chocolate bars…

What does it do before it rains candy?
– It sprinkles!

What do you call an avalanche of marshmallows, nuts, and chocolate?
– A rocky road!

What did the truffle and the chocolate bar do when the latest Chocolat movie came out!
– They went to choc it out!

My missus hates it when I put her chocolate bars in other chocolate bar wrappers.
– It gets her Snickers in a Twix.

What kind of candy bar does an employee crave before the weekend?
– A PayDay.

Iโ€™m chocolate to my appointment!

Which candy bar always gets picked first for the sports team?
– A Skor!

A chocolate bar got kicked out of a bar. Why?
– He was starting truffle!

Crazy ex-girlfriends are like a box of chocolate
– They’ll kill your dog

What is a monkeyโ€™s favorite cookie?
– Chocolate chimp.

I always have a couple of Twix up my sleeves

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