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Cartoon Jokes in 2025

What do you call a duck that gets all A’s in a cartoon competition?
-A wise quacker.

Two cartoon fought each other to death and the police are investigating
-The details are pretty sketchy and the reports are saying it ended in a draw

Why won’t Mr Bean head on a trip to Spain this summer?
-Because he’s BEAN there and done that already!

What does a nosey pepper do to a cartoon?
-It gets jalapeno business! wearing a balaclava. (Half the town got arrested, and it was Spring before the innocent ones were finally identified and released.)

I saw a cartoon portraying a politican like a goat
-It was satyr.

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
-Dash who?

Why couldn’t the little pirate see a cartoon movie?
-It was rated ARRRRR!

What cartoon character drinks way too much fizzy orange drink?
-G u n k P o o F a n t a

What is Mongolia’s favourite cartoon?

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
-Water who?
Water you doing with my Krabby Patties!

Cartoon found dead at home
-The details are sketchy

What does Mr Bean’s Teddy say to him after they’ve both enjoyed a nice dinner?
-I’m stuffed!

Why are cartoon fish so smart?
-Because they live in schools.

What did the cartoon character say to his brother in law when he found out his wife was crazy?
– You knew she was looney and a maniac…and you didn’t warn a brother?

Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
-Oliver who?
Oliver sudden Chase and Marshall appeared to save the day!

How does a vamparina cartoon start a letter?
– Tomb it may concern…

I tried to leave my cartoon life behind me..
-But every time I leave they draw me back in..

So, my 3 year old cousin was over this morning.
-I needed to grab a quick shower as I let him watch cartoons in the living room. When I came out, there was black permanent marker all over my 55 inch TV screen. I LITERALLY FREAKED OUT. Does anyone know what is best used to clean blood out of a carpet?

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