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Carpenter jokes in 2025

What do you call a carpenter who’s always playing hockey? A “puck-builder.”

Why did the carpenter stop telling jokes? They kept getting nailed.

What do you call a carpenter who’s always running marathons? A “saw-runner.”

Why did the carpenter go to the library? To “shelf” some books.

Why did the carpenter go to the beach? To work on their “board” skills.

Why did the carpenter go to the beach? To work on their “carp-entry” skills.

What do you call a carpenter who’s always playing tennis? A “racquet-builder.”

What do you call a carpenter who’s always skiing? A “slope-builder.”

Why did the carpenter go to the farm? To “barn-raise” with the animals.

Why did the carpenter go to the aquarium? To see the “carp-entrated” fish.

What do you call a carpenter who’s always playing guitar? A “string-sawyer.”

What do you call a carpenter who’s always fishing? A “hook-and-ladder” angler.

Why did the carpenter go to the concert? To hear the “carp-enters” play.

Why did the carpenter go to the museum of natural history? To see the “woodland” exhibits.

Why did the carpenter go to the gym? To work on their “carp-ets.”

What do you call a carpenter who’s always playing baseball? A “bat-builder.”

What do you call a carpenter who’s always playing golf? A “wood-driver.”

Why did the carpenter go to the beach? To work on their “board” skills.

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