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Car Jokes 🚗 in 2025

Race car backwards is race car
– But race car sideways is how Paul Walker died

Why are women so bad at parking cars?
– Because for the last 200 years they’ve been told that three inches are actually six.

New Teslas don’t come with a new car smell
-they come with an Elon Musk

My boss showed up this morning in a new Porsche. I said, “what an amazing car”…
-And he replied, “yeah – if you work really hard, put lots of hours in and strive for excellence at all times, I should be able to get another one next year”.

A penguin takes his car to the garage
– A penguin takes his car in to the garage to get fixed and he goes to have an ice cream. The ice cream starts to melt and goes all over his face.

When he goes to pick his car up the mechanic says “you blew a seal”

The penguin says “nah it’s just ice cream!”

Quarantine has turned us into dogs.
– We roam the house all day looking for food. We are told “no” if we get too close to strangers. And we get really excited about car rides.

So the cops caught me doing doughnuts in my car today.
-I know what you’re thinking. Who the hell names their dog doughnuts

Why are Ford cars cheap?
-Because they’re affordable.

In New York every ten minutes someone gets hit by a car
-He or she must be really tired of it

Have you heard about Ford’s new electric coffee car?
-It’s the Mach-E Auto.

Buy a cheap phone, but don’t buy a cheap car
-Buy No*kia*

Why did the snail paint a big “S” on his car?
-Because he wanted people to say look at that S car go when he rolled by.

I bought Bonnie Tyler’s car recently on ebay, but it’s rubbish…
-Every now and then it falls apart

If apple made a car
-Would it have windows?

Apparently there are three jewish guys in my car’s air conditioner….
-Hi, Norm and Max.

Background: Something I noticed many, many years ago when I was a teenager in my dad’s car. My dad thought it was pretty funny. He had a lousy sense of humor. Lol

I had a dream that I was a mechanic who fixed wrecked cars.
– It was an auto body experience.

What is Donald’s favorite car style ?
-A Coupe

A Macaroni, a Penne and a Spaghetti were drinking wine in a bar one evening. They saw a noodle sitting by himself and discussed inviting him to join them.
– They all agreed he looked Cannelloni.

EDIT; Thank you for all the awards, I guess I pasta test!

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