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Cantaloupe jokes in 2024

Why did the cantaloupe become a painter? It had a keen eye for still life!

Why did the cantaloupe fail its driving test? It couldn’t find the juice pedal!

Why did the cantaloupe join the navy? It wanted to be a sea-dog!

Why did the cantaloupe go to therapy? It had a hard rind!

Why did the cantaloupe go to college? It wanted to be a scholar of the arts!

Why did the cantaloupe join the circus? It wanted to be a juggler…it had the balls for it!

What’s a cantaloupe’s favorite book? “The Secret Life of Bees,” because they help it grow!

Why did the cantaloupe join the orchestra? It had a natural talent for composing fruitful symphonies!

What’s a cantaloupe’s favorite movie? “Life of a Pie”!

Why don’t cantaloupes ever play hide and seek? Because they always get squashed!

Why did the cantaloupe refuse to play football? It didn’t want to get kicked around!

Why did the cantaloupe refuse to play cards? It was afraid of getting squashed in poker!

Why did the cantaloupe join the chess club? It was a master of strategy!

Why did the cantaloupe apply for a job? It wanted to make some seed money!

Why did the cantaloupe become a teacher? It loved to share its fruit of knowledge!

Why did the cantaloupe always come to school early? It wanted to be the teacher’s pet-fruit!

Why did the cantaloupe jump into the pool? Because it wanted to be a watermelon!

Why did the cantaloupe go to the doctor? It felt a little melon-choly!

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