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Candy jokes 🍭🍬🍫 in 2025

What’s a mathematician’s favorite candy bar?
– *N* Musketeers, where *N* = 3!

Ive been going through all this Halloween candy, and i have some bad news.
– No drugs.

How do you spell CANDY with only two letters?
– C and Y

How many grams of protein are there in that slice of chocolate pie?
– 3.14159265.

There are two types of candy
– The good ones,
– and the ones dad eats

The plane turbine says to the candy…
– “What kind of music do you listen to?”
– The candy says “Oh, I’m into rap. What about you?”
– The turbine says “I’m a big heavy metal fan.”

What do you call a train loaded with bubble gum?
– A chew-chew train.

What is the funniest type of taffy?
– The Laffy Taffy

Candy is dandy
– But liqour is quicker.

I went trick or treating as Gandhi and kept all of my candy in a hat
– And when someone tried to take the candy from my hat i told them “My hat my candy”

As we were heading through the grocery store checkout, my wife looked over at the candy and said, “Oh, Mentos! Let’s get some!” I shrugged and said, “I already have Mentos.” Puzzled, she asked, “Really? Where?”
– “On my men feet!”

What was Buzz Aldrin’s favorite chocolate?
– A Mars bar

How does the recipe for German chocolate cake begin?
– First, invade ze kitchen.

The birds dug into the ground to have candy worms for dessert.

I got told a joke about candy bars
– It wasn’t that funny so I just snickered

Bob has 69 candy bars. He eats 42 of them and then stops eating. What does he have now?
– Diabetes.

I always get Halloween and Valentine’s Day confused.
– They’re both about candy and being something you’re not.

What did the lollipop say to the other lollipop?
– See you later sucker!

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