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Candle jokes 🕯️ in 2024

What do you call a candle who is always studious? A wick-y scholar.

What do you call a candle who loves to sing? A wick-a-pella.

Why did the candle go to the pool? To go for a wick-ed swim.

Why did the candle go to the museum again? To see the wax exhibits.

What do you call a candle who is always ambitious? A wick-ed go-getter.

What do you call a candle that’s always on vacation? A wax-a-holic.

What do you call a candle who is always careful? A wick-ed cautious.

Why did the candle go to the amusement park? To ride the wick coaster.

What do you call a candle who is always talkative? A wick-y speaker.

What do you call a candle who is always busy? A wick-tive.

Why did the candle go to the theater? To see a wick-ed play.

Why did the candle go to the beach? To get a tan-line.

Why did the candle go to the park? To enjoy some wick-ed nature.

What do you call a candle who is always causing trouble? A wick-ed troublemaker.

Why did the candle go to the forest again? To hike some wick-ed trails.

Why did the candle go to the beach again? To catch some wick-ed waves.

What do you call a candle who is always laid-back? A wick-ed mellow.

What do you call a candle who loves to dance? A wick-shaker.

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