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Canada jokes in 2024

Why did the Canadian refuse to jump off the diving board? He didn’t want to make a splash!

Why was the Canadian book never finished? It always apologised for its plot holes!

How do you know if a film is Canadian? It ends with “Sorr-end”!

Why was the Canadian football team so cool? They bring their own ‘ice’ to the game!

Why did the Canadian refuse to draw a map? He didn’t want to cause any border disputes!

What’s a Canadian’s favourite unit of measurement? The ‘sorrymeter’!

Why don’t Canadians use elevators? They’re afraid they might push the wrong button and cause an international incident!

Why was the Canadian burger always the best? It was made with un-be-leaf-able ingredients!

How does a Canadian cow say hello? “Mo-eh”!

Why was the Canadian pencil always sharp? It had a good point, eh?

Why do Canadian trees always know the answer? They’re always stumped!

What’s a Canadian’s favourite type of exercise? The maple leaf crunch!

Why did the Canadian refuse to play cards? He didn’t want to deal with conflict!

Why don’t Canadian snakes bite? They’re afraid of being impolite!

What’s a Canadian’s favourite type of music? Polite-rock!

Why did the Canadian go to the bakery? He heard there was a fresh batch of ‘eh’clairs!

How does a Canadian hold his liquor? By the handle, of course!

How do Canadians solve their problems? They maple it out!

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