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Camping jokes 🏕️ in 2025

Q: If you’re in the woods, how can you tell if a tree is a dogwood?

– A: By its bark.

Q: Can a frog jump higher than the average tent?
– A: Of course, tents can’t jump.

Have you heard about the couple of honey-making insects who fell in love when they were on a camping trip?
– They say that was tent two bee.

What did the camper say before leaving for his camping trip?
– He said, “I could go camping for-rest of my life”.

Q: What’s another name for a sleeping bag?

– A: A nap sack.

Smokers are great people to go camping with
– You can easily outrun them if a Bear attacks

What other names can you call the sleeping bags you take with you for a camping trip?
– The sleeping bags can also be called nap sacks.

Knock! Knock!

Who is there?


Ken who?

Ken you also hear something growling?

Did you hear about the “kidnapping” in the woods?
– It’s alright — he woke up.

Q: What do you call a camper without a nose or a body?

– A: Nobodynose

My friend likes to setup a poker table in his tent when we go camping.
– The game gets intense.

Why don’t elephants carry any suitcases in their RVs when they go camping?
– That’s because they already have trunks.

What vegetable loves going to summer camps?
– It’s the Brussels Scouts.

Why didn’t the elephant take a suitcase on his camping trip?
– He already had a trunk.

Q: Why are hiking shops so diverse?

– A: Because they employ people from all walks of life.

Knock! Knock!

Who is there?


RV who?

RV there yet or not?

What did the llama say when his cousin asked him if he wanted to go camping?
– He was thrilled, so he ran off, shouting, “Alpaca tent!”

Where do ants always like to go camping?
– In Frants.

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