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Campfire jokes ๐Ÿ•๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ in 2024

Why did the campfire go to the doctor? It had a fever and was feeling too hot!

What’s a campfire’s favorite sport? Torch running!

How do campfires access the internet? They log in!

Why did the campfire become a teacher? It had a burning desire to enlighten young minds!

Why don’t campfires ever play hide and seek? Because they always get caught glowing!

Why are campfires bad at playing cards? They’re too hot to handle!

Why did the campfire go to a comedy club? It wanted to crackle up!

What did the campfire wear to the party? A blaze-er!

Why did the campfire become an artist? It loved to draw heat!

Why did the campfire go to therapy? It had a burning desire to express its feelings!

What’s a campfire’s favorite dessert? Baked Alaska!

What did one log say to the other in the campfire? “I’m really feeling the burn!”

How do campfires keep their figure? They burn calories!

What do you call a campfire that’s a superhero? Firestarter!

What’s a campfire’s favorite dance move? The sizzle and pop!

Why did the campfire go to the spa? It needed a steam bath!

What’s a campfire’s favorite candy? Fireballs!

Why did the campfire start a fashion line? It had a flair for hot trends!

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