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Calculus Jokes ➗ in 2025

What did one calculus book say to the other?
– Don’t bother me I’ve got my own problems!

Man I really hate calculus.
-It just derives me crazy

Why did former Alabama governor George Wallace fail high school calculus?
-He refused to integrate.

I failed math so many times in school
-I can’t even count simple calculus

Our school should start a calculus club
-We would all derive fun from it

What did the calculator say to the calculus student?
-You can count on me.

A calculus joke:
-A 120 pound camera sits atop a tripod. How much force does each leg hold?

Whoops. Meant to type 130. Forgot that the camera adds 10 pounds.

A calculus joke…
– Person 1: What’s the integral of 1/cabin with respect to cabin?

Person 2: A log cabin!

Person 1: No, a houseboat. You forgot to add the C!!

Why is a calculus book always unhappy?
-Because it always has lots of problems.

How does Donald Trump do calculus integration?
-He makes sure to grab it by the +c

Calculus jokes
– should be an integral part of this sub

Some people are sceptical of migrants because they think they don’t embrace their new country’s culture
-But I teach calculus to international students at my local university, and they all integrate really well.

Mike Tyson just received a graduate level certification in advanced calculus.
-He calls it his Mathsters Degree.

How do you use calculus in real life?
-You integrate it

What did one calculus textbook say to the other?
– Don’t bother me. I’ve got my own problems.

Why do calculus teachers hate the Final Fantasy games?
– The characters keep breaking their limits.

Did you know that people who dislike calculus are typically racists?
-They hate integration.

What’s the integral of (1/cabin)d(cabin)?
-A natural log cabin!

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