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Butter jokes 🧈 in 2025

Butter is not made right away because it has to wait for its churn.

I heard a pretty juicy rumor about butter.
– But i decited i didn’t want to spread it

You should always let a butterfly spread its wings because that is what it is meant to do.

Why did the chap throw the contents of his fridge out of the window?
– He wanted to see the butterfly.

When the slab of butter finally reached his classroom he sighed,
– “Butter late than never!”

What do Southerners have in common with peanut butter?
– They are both usually in bread.

Why did the man smear peanut butter on the road?
– To go with the traffic jam.

When jelly feels romantic, she tells peanut butter,
– “You are my butter half.”

I used to make jokes about people with butter fingers;
– stopped ’cause they couldn’t handle it.

A man robbed me of all my milk, cream, cheese, and butter.
– How dairy..

Did you hear about the peanut butter factory that exploded?
– The Reese’s was in pieces.

I usually butter my skillet before making pancakes because it cooks batter.

My grandma rubbed butter on granddad’s feet when he was ill.
– He went downhill fast after that.

“You’re nutty,” said the apple sauce to the peanut butter.

I am about to make a joke about cake.
– You butter believe it

A butter’s favorite song is ‘Some-butter loves you.’

I’ve never understood the difference between butter and ghee.
– Perhaps someone could clarify.

When I first started my job at the butter manufacturing company,
– my stomach began to churn.

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