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Butter jokes 🧈 in 2025

Butter is not made right away because it has to wait for its churn.

I heard a pretty juicy rumor about butter.
– But i decited i didn’t want to spread it

You should always let a butterfly spread its wings because that is what it is meant to do.

I’d tell you a rumour about some butter on a piece of toast but you might spread it.

I hate it when someone tries to butter me up.
– I like jam more.

A butterfly climbs out of its chrysalis…
– …and says, “Oh my god, I’m turning into my mother!”

The pastor put butter on his Bible.
– He wanted to spread the word.

I like my bread the way I like my women…
– French and covered in butter.

When the peanut butter proposed to the toast,
– he said “We’re butter together.”

Have you guys heard the story about the butter?
– You know what, never mind. I don’t want to spread it around.

What did the milk say after it got beat?
– …It’s butter this way

I always like to keep a jar of peanut butter in the car when I travel on a busy freeway …
– just in case there’s a traffic jam.

My brother pranked me by throwing a stick of butter at me.
– How dairy?

Why didn’t the butterfly go to the dance?
– Because it was a moth ball.

A shark’s favorite type of sandwich is peanut butter and jellyfish.

Did you hear the joke about the butter?
– What is it?
– I can’t tell you, you’ll spread it.

The last of the toast topping is usually the butter end.

Why did the little boy throw a stick of butter out of the window?
– To see a butterfly!
– Again, thanks dad.

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