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Bunny jokes 🐇 in 2025

What do you get if you cross a rabbit with an insect?
– Bugs bunny!

What is a bunny’s motto?
– Don’t be mad; be hoppy!

What’s the difference between a rabbit at the gym and a rabbit with a carrot on his head?
– One’s a fit bunny, the other’s a bit funny!

I have so many rabbit jokes, it’s not even bunny!

What’s the difference between a healthy rabbit and an odd rabbit?
– One is a fit bunny, and the other’s a bit funny.

What did the rabbits do after their wedding?
– They went on their bunnymoon!

What do rabbits use after a shower?
– A hare dryer!

What happened when 100 hares got loose on Main Street?
– The police had to comb the area.

What happens when you pour hot water down a rabbit hole?
– You get hot cross bunnies!

What do you call a group of rabbits hopping backwards?
– A receding hare line!

Why did the bunny say to the duck?
– “You quack me up.”

What do you call an angry rabbit?
– Hopping mad!

I used to own a rabbit, but now he’s just some bunny I used to know.

Why does the rabbit bring toilet paper to the party?
– Because he is a party pooper.

Who is the Easter Bunny’s favourite movie actor?
– Rabbit De Niro!

What do you call a transformer bunny?
– Hop-timus Prime!

What do you call two rabbits racing down the road?
– The fast and the furriest.

What’s a rabbit’s favourite sweet treat?
– Millionhares shortbread!

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