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Bug jokes ๐ŸฆŸ in 2024

Where would you put an injured insect?
– In an antbulance!

What did the other bugs call the bug who wanted to be an astronaut?
– A LUNAtick

My mother recently bought a trap to help with our bug infestation problem.
– But it wasn’t successful.
– I let her know that we need to find some different ANTS-ers.

What insect is bad at football?
– The fumblebee

What kind of insect falls over the most?
– A tumble-bee

What do you call a cheerful flea?
– A hop-timist!

I don’t like any insects, huge or small.
– They really bug me.

Today I saw a rabbit that had beetles all over it.
– It was a Bugs Bunny.

What insect is the hardest to understand?
– A mumble-bee.

What would you call an insect that thought he was on the moon?
– A lunar tick.

What do you call a flea that lives in an idiots ear?
– A space invader!

My bank recently hired a scientist that specializes in small insects.
– I guess she’s an expert on fine ants.

Two-bed bugs met in the mattress and got married in the spring.

What is an insect researcherโ€™s favorite car?
– A bug-gy.

How do we know that insects are so clever?
– Because they always know when your eating outside!

You know what I’ve turned into after starting to like bugs in my code?
– A Spider

I told my sister that I needed an insect to help me prove my innocence at court.
– She told me that I should use an Aphid David.

Why does every military base have very few insects?
– Military bases are no-fly zones.

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