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Bug jokes ๐ŸฆŸ in 2025

What is green and can jump a mile in a minute?
– A grasshopper with hiccups!

My mom said my Pawpaw would say this joke all the time in the car. They’d be driving along and a bug would splat against the windshield and he’d say…
– “I bet he doesn’t have the guts to do that again.”

Today I saw a big flying insect coughing up blood.
– Well, I think it ending up joining the tuberculocust community.

What would a blood sucking insect be called if it learned Latin?
– It would be called a Roman-tic.

What would we call a fly without its wings?
– A walk.

What is the difference between a flea bitten dog and a bored visitor?
– Ones going to itch and the other is itching to go!

All the ants of the world have their own city, and it’s called ‘Antlantic City’.

This morning, my bedside lamp became a butterfly.
– That’s the last time I’m buying a cheap larva lamp.

Where do insects go for fruit shopping?
– Applebeeโ€™s.

What do you get if you cross a centipede and a chicken?
– Enough drumsticks to feed an army!

How do fireflies start a race?
– Ready steady glow!

What do the fireflies eat?
– They eat light snacks.

What clothing item do insects love the most?
– P-ants.

What did one firefly say to the other?
– Got to glow now!

People who don’t understand the difference between…
– People who don’t understand the difference between etymology and entomology bug me in ways I can’t put into words.

An insect that likes to mediate discussions between different insect groups is called a diplognat.

What did the priest say to get rid of the insects in his church?
– He said, “let us spray”.

What stays on the ground but spans a hundred feet in the air?
– A centipede on his back.

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