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Bread jokes 🍞🥖🥯 in 2025

Why does bread hate hot weather?
– It just feels too toasty.

Q: Can you make a sandwich with corned beef, sauerkraut, and Swiss cheese?
– A: Rye not?

Business at the bakery is on the rise.

Why do dough balls throw great parties?
– Because they always they rise to the occasion.

What do you call the baker who earns the most money?
– The bread-winner.

Q: What do you call holy bread?
– A: Jesus Crust!

Q: What do you get when you mix Raggedy Ann and the Pillsbury Doughboy?
– A: A redhead with a yeast infection.

What did mama bread say to her kids?
– It’s way past your breadtime!

Why are bread jokes funny?
– Because they never get mold.

What do elves make sandwiches with?
– Short-bread.

What did the banker want from the baker?
– To pump her nickels.

Q: Why did the baker go to jail?
– A: He was caught beating an egg.

You’re the apple of my rye.

What does the bread sing when it is learning the musical scales?
– Dough, Re, Mi, Fa…

Why did the roll go to the doctors?
– It was feeling really crumby.

How does bread woo a lover?
– With lots of flours.

Q: What is a bakers favorite Beatles song?
– A: “Loaf is all you knead.”

Don’t be so sour, dough.

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