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Brain jokes 🧠🤯 in 2025

What is cut on a table, but is never eaten?
– A deck of cards.

When does it rain brains?
– During a brain storm.

First I am dried, then I am wet. The longer I swim, the more taste you get. What am I?
– Tea

A sundial has the fewest moving parts of any timepiece. Which has the most?
– An hourglass, with thousands of grains of sand

I have branches, but no fruit, trunk or leaves. What am I?
– A bank

What tastes better than it smells?
– A tongue.

A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why?
– An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

I weaken all men for hours each day. I show you strange visions while you are away. I take you by night, by day take you back. None suffer to have me, but do from my lack. What am I?
– Sleep

What tastes better than it smells?
– A tongue

A man describes his daughters, saying, “They are all blonde, but two; all brunette but two; and all redheaded but two.” How many daughters does he have?
– Three. A blonde, a brunette and a redhead

What is special about these words: job, polish, herb?
– They are all pronounced differently when the first letter is capitalized.

A red house is made from red bricks. A blue house is made from blue bricks. A yellow house is made from yellow bricks. What is a green house made from?
– Glass

You do not want to have it, But when you do have it, You do not want to lose it. What is it?
– A lawsuit

Which tire doesn’t move when a car turns right?
– A spare tire

What building has the most stories?
– The library.

What do you call a hat for a brain?
– A thinking cap.

Lovely and round, I shine with pale light, grown in the darkness, A lady’s delight. What am I?
– A pearl

What is unusual about the following words: revive, banana, grammar, voodoo, assess, potato, dresser, uneven?
– Take the first letter of each word and place it at the end. It will spell the same word backwards.

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