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Bowling jokes 🎳 in 2024

My favorite sport is bowling because I always strike out with the girls.

What kind of cat likes to go bowling?
– An alley cat.

My car can speed faster than bullets, drive under water and knock down evil like bowling pins.
– It’s a Porsche to be reckoned with

What did the bowling champion get etched on his shirt?
– “Lean, mean, bowling machine.”

What did the bowler say about ending his opponent’s streak?
– “Sorry to burst your double.”

What do you call the toilet at an AMF?
– The boweling alley.

Old bowlers don’t die.
– They just end up in the gutter.

Why did the woman break up with her bowling obsessed boyfriend?
– Because bowling jokes weren’t up her alley.

Why are volleyball players afraid of bowling balls?
– Because they can’t spike the ball!

I’ve left my bowling balls at home. Have you got any to spare?

What do you call a bowling team that gets a lot of strikes?
– Lightning.

Last night I did Stand-Up in a Bowling Alley parking lot
– Some of my jokes struck out. The audience was split.

What did the employer tell the bowler before offering him a new contract?
– “It’s an offer you count refuse!”

Where do you get food at the bowling alley?
– In the food lane.

Why do bowlers make bad employees?
– Because they’re always going on strike.

What was the name of the sequel to the movie about bowling pins?
– Bowling Ball Returns.

Before Malcolm X ever went bowling, he’d get his friends really drunk…
– Then he convinced them all that he got a strike on his first bowl.

Why don’t bowlers know any dirty jokes?
– Because they keep their mind out of the gutter.

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