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Boss jokes 👨‍💼 in 2024

Why did the boss wear a suit of armor to work? He wanted to protect his position.

Why did the boss always wear a pocket square? He wanted to show he had attention to detail.

Why did the boss always wear a crown? He wanted to be the king of the company.

Why did the boss refuse to use a pencil? He wanted to show he had ink in his veins.

Why did the boss fire the yoga instructor? She wasn’t flexible enough.

Why did the boss refuse to use a chair? He preferred to stand up for what he believed in.

Why did the boss bring a megaphone to work? He wanted to amplify his voice.

Why did the boss always carry a notepad? He never wanted to forget a good idea.

Why did the boss bring a trophy to the meeting? He wanted to award himself for being a great boss.

Why did the boss bring a fan to work? He wanted to keep his cool.

Why did the boss always wear a suit? He wanted to show he was a professional boss.

Why did the boss bring a ladder to work? He wanted to climb the corporate ladder.

Why did the boss always wear a bow tie? He wanted to show he was a fashion icon.

Why did the boss refuse to use a chair? He wanted to stand up for what he believed in.

Why did the boss refuse to use a computer? He preferred to use his CEO powers.

Why did the boss refuse to use a stapler? He wanted to show he could do things differently.

Why did the boss refuse to use a pen? He preferred to write his own destiny.

Why did the boss bring a telescope to work? He wanted to see his future success.

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