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Boomer jokes 👵 in 2025

So I was at a class at school, and then boomer explosion. lots of dead.
– I shoot at the peope too haha, goodbye class. Scary

Whats a boomers weapon of choice?
-A boomerang.
I hate my life.

Why do Baby-Boomers always pay by cheque?
-Because they hate change.

What do you call a boomer with a bomb strapped to his chest?
-A boomer..

How many baby boomers does it take to change a light bulb?
-None. They just hire someone to do it and complain how back then a bulb used to cost a nickel

I was born in 1988, so you might think I’m a millennial But please don’t assume my generation.
-I actually identify as a baby boomer.

What did the Millennial say after reading the Unabomber’s manifesto?
– Ok boomer.

I may not be the best boomer in the world…
-But I am an OK boomer.

Why do baby boomers use their car keys to scratch?
– the inside of their ear when it itches

What is the sound of an exploding sheep?
-Sis. Boomer. Bah.

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